Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AJL - suka dan duka


Demam AJL 2010 dah berlalu. As usual, rumah siap pahat berbunyi..aku?? Ada la sikit keciwa dengan result sebab I really expected FT or Yuna could win any 3. Tapi ye la...sebab tu jugak kita bukan juri. Hanya juri 2 terpilih yang tau mana lagu yang terbaik atau terbagus. They evaluate songs according to many aspects. Kita?? Cuma tau dengar lagu tu sedap ke tak, boleh masuk halwa telinga ke tak...the rest..dun bother!!

Ana Rafalli...a sweet girl with a so so voice but full of spirits. Ok la...in a way...she deserve also to win after all the hard work. Cuma everytime AJL tiba, semua orang dah ada favourites sendiri in their minds. Tu yang timbul issue tak boleh terima, stress, frust and macam2 lagi la. As for me...hmm...secara peribadi, Yuna had shown a very matured performance and very entertaining too. FT...no question ok...he's superb!! Black another one, he should have won best vocal...but again, we are juz no one to judge.

Anyway, juz take everything easy and for fun. Yang penting, dorang yang menang, dorang yang kaya, dorang yang happy. Kita?? Hahahahaha...life goes on a usual.

Happy working allzzz...!! Muahssss!!!